Scrubbing In, MTV Show. By: Kelsey Wathen

MTV has just came out with this show called Scrubbing In. It is a reality show that follows a group of people that are travel nurses. They go all around the United States helping hospitals that need more nurses. When first heard about this show I thought that it would be pretty cool to see what they did. After watching the show I soon realized that the show had nothing to do with nursing. It was just another reality show, almost like The Real World show on MTV. It is a group of privileged people, all in there 20’s. The show has gotten a lot of hate, because the show is supposed to be about the lives of these nurses and it really has nothing to do with nursing. They show these people in the hospitals for a few minutes, and the rest of the show is about them going out and partying. When watching the live tweets it was a lot of nurses tweeting about how this makes nurses look bad.

I also noticed a lot of people using the hashtag #scrubbingout. A lot of people did not like the show so much that they are trying to get the show kicked of the air. I found a whole page called scrubbing out, it was mainly women that were writing in this page. I think that women are most upset by this show, because nursing is mainly known at a women’s profession. Even though there are men on the show, and there is more and more male nurses it will always be dominated by women.  Women have to go to school, and get a licenses to do this job. So by having MTV come in a make it look like a joke, it makes many women very upset.


I think that this show needs to have more in it about nursing if they are going to call it scrubbing in. There is so much hate about this show, because the show has really nothing to do with nursing. They show them going on trips, partying, and even one of the girls getting engaged. It makes a field that women work really hard for, look bad.






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